How I found my life purpose, using lessons I learnt from love

The pursuit of love and purpose are probably 2 of the most sought-after things by humans. Read on to find out about how they have more in common than you think.

The secrets behind finding your life purpose actually have a lot to do with how you might go about finding a life partner.

“What is my purpose in this life?” and “When will I meet the one?” These are questions many of us have asked ourselves, perhaps more times than we care to admit.

The pursuit of love and purpose are probably 2 of the most sought-after things by humans. Yet, both often harbour misconceptions and unrealistic expectations regarding how they are achieved.

Like countless others, throughout my twenties, I grappled with the question of my purpose on this earth. I looked towards those who radiated passion and fulfilment in their careers and desperately craved that feeling.

Fast forward a couple of years and 3 career jumps later, I am now fortunate to jump out of bed each day brimming with clarity about my life purpose. A day I never thought would come.

But what I discovered about finding purpose was that it unfolded differently than expected. What truly surprised me was how much it mirrored what I had learnt about love over the years.

Here are 3 insights from love that guided me in uncovering my purpose:

1. There's no singular "One"

The notion of a soulmate can lead us to believe in the existence of one perfect person destined for us—a fairytale narrative.

In reality, there are likely numerous individuals we could build deeply fulfilling relationships with. Similarly, the belief in a single, perfect life purpose or career path is a fallacy. There exist multiple avenues that can lead to success and fulfillment.

Rather than fixating on finding "the one," focus on nurturing a good one.

2. You don’t know if this is "it" straight away

Great relationships aren't stumbled upon; they're cultivated over time.Likewise, passion and purpose often reveal themselves gradually, rather than in a sudden epiphany. A lot of the time, it's about following an initial scent of lukewarm interest which over time can grow into something more meaningful and concrete.

So get out there and explore that scent. You never know, that exact thing could turn into a deep purpose.

3. Love and purpose aren’t always forever

No matter how strong your love is for someone at the start of a relationship, there is no guarantee it will always be that way. People change, develop different interests, make varying life decisions, and hardship appears which could bring you closer together or pull you apart.

Similarly, your life purpose won’t always be fixed. As humans, we are forever evolving and growing. In your 20s, your purpose might be building skills and wealth to set you up for success and in your 30s you might decide that your purpose is using those skills to build something you're deeply passionate about.

Embrace the journey of self-discovery and allow your purpose to evolve.