Success Story
coaching goals: life direction, goal setting
Investing in myself was the best decision I ever made.

 I felt lost without a clear sense of direction or purpose and had no idea what I wanted out of life. I felt like I was stuck in my career and I think this was also affecting my relationship.

Hanan was there to listen without judgement and provide me with clear steps, guidance and activities I could implement to begin to change the things around me that weren’t aligned with where I saw myself in the future.

I began to see results after just my second session and I can honestly say I have had some huge breakthroughs and mindset shifts that I hope will stay with me for life. I now know what my core values are, have moved to a new more aligned job, learnt how to respond in high-stress or anxious situations and most importantly I am so much more patient and kinder with myself.

Hanan was amazing at recognising where I was holding myself back and offered encouragement for me to challenge my ways of thinking and actions.

I can honestly say these coaching sessions have changed my life and I would recommend it to anyone!
Amber Gilbert-Taylor
Event Manager at Google
Success Story
coaching goals: life direction, goal setting, confidence
I have recently had the privilege of working with Hanan, who is an extraordinary coach, and I cannot express enough, how transformative and enriching the experience has been. She had a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and unwavering commitment to my success.

She created a safe space for me, where I felt comfortable, exploring my goals, challenges and aspirations. She has equipped me with tools as well as the right mindset to navigate my future challenges successfully.

I highly recommend her if you would like a transformative journey!!
Aya Bayati
Civil Engineer at AECOM
Success Story
Without life coaching with Hanan I would still be stuck in a bubble with no sense of direction.

My confidence was really low before we began due to feeling mentally exhausted for many years due no sense of direction.

After 2 sessions with her I already noticed a change and how much helpful this seemed compared to therapy.Hanan was really attentive and understanding, she approached the sessions from a personal point of view and felt more like a chat with a friend.

For the sessions; Hanan provided me with different objectives to focus on bit by bit at a time to regain my confidence and understand who I was as a person.

After a number of sessions I began taking charge of my life again, focusing on things passionate to me and what aligned with my values. I have also found my sense of direction again and have begun working on a career path which is right for me.

I am really grateful to Hanan for what she has done and know if I ever find myself in need of advice in the future she would be there to help. I cannot recommend her enough if you ever find yourself stuck in life.
Luke C
Product Manager
Success Story
I came to Hanan because I was finding myself overwhelmed and stuck when it came to working on personal creative projects.

Working for someone else or for my company, no problem, but giving myself time to do what I love? Total block.

I was looking for a practical approach, rather than 'just talk' as I spent a lot of time in my mind-overthinking: I was frustrated, anxious, and mentally exhausted from holding on to all these things I wanted to do, keeping them as obscure ideas in my mind. Add to that, the disappointments that I kept having for not showing up for myself.

Hanan really helped me deconstruct it all, and break down my objectives and goals into different achievable and fun targets, and I’ve been learning so much by working with her.

It inspired me to get on it with, to show up for myself and to be a little more gentle in the way that I speak to myself. I’ve written a lot more, submitted images to competitions, and engaged in discussions with potential clients - and this is just the beginning. It’s a huge beginning for me, because it reminded me that I had the skill, the ideas, the inspiration, the experiences and more importantly the love to drive these projects.

My mindset has shifted from fear and anxiety to excitement and joy and lightheartedness when I think about creating and I know just want to get stuck in!

We worked together for a few months at the start of 2023, and now almost a year later 2024, I'm feeling incredibly aligned and empowered. The tools learned with Hanan are still with me, and so too are the pieces of wisdom she shared with me that truly resonated and that now live as part of my mindset.

I'm very grateful for the work we did together. I could not recommend Hanan more as a coach - she's amazing.
Alice Peretie
Wildlife & Conservation Photographer and Storyteller at Odysseia Collection
Success Story
I can't thank Hanan enough for the impact she has had on my life!

I approached Hanan at a time of high stress and great uncertainty in my life. I had recently had a baby and had to move to a new continent, whilst working remotely.

Hanan was very compassionate and attentive and provided me with tools which are backed up with science, which helped me better understand my core values and set goals which are aligned with who I am and gave me clarity and a sense of direction.

My self talk really improved and I am kinder to myself. Hanan really is better than any therapist I worked with! Her approach is very personal and I really enjoyed and benefited from the practical tasks that were assigned for me. I have benefited in all areas of my life! Knowing that I have someone to talk to gave me a sense of lightness and I feel supported and optimistic that I can achieve my goals.

I am very grateful to Hanan and would definitely recommend her to anyone!
Success Story
Before meeting Hanan I was lost, overwhelmed in my emotions and it was taking over my life.

It impacted my work, social life and my relationship.Since meeting Hanan, I have done so much work on learning about myself, my core values and what makes ME happy.

I’ve been taught to take care of myself more rather than giving all of my energy to others. I now have a clear goal regarding my future and am learning how to control and accept my emotions with empathy.

The way Hanan understands the mind and the psychology behind it is super interesting to me and she always teaches something new.

Hanan is such a kind soul who truly shows care and attention every single session, she’s extremely easy to speak to and challenges me positively. I always feel much better about myself after our sessions and genuinely feel the change in my head and day-to-day life.

I would highly recommend Hanan if you’re introverted and nervous to start your self-development journey as her empathy and contagious smile helps to open up.
Enya Lynch
Film Graduate