Read this if you are worried about starting over in your career

When our career doesn't feel like it's working out, thinking about pursuing a new route can feel daunting and like we are starting from scratch. But this couldn't be further from the truth, because we are never starting from scratch. Here is why.

Here's why you'll never start from scratch when making a career jump.

A common thing I hear from clients is: "I don't want to start from 0 again in my career."

But let me tell you as someone who has changed career paths 3 times until I found my dream job in a drastically different area - none of my past experiences were wasted.

Until 2022, I was convinced I'd be stuck in an underwhelming career forever.

Unlike those who found their calling in university, I studied Mathematics because I was good at it, but it never felt quite right. I then ventured into tech start-ups, where I felt out of place and eventually burnt out. Next, I tried my hand at management consulting, seeking variety and skills, but still lacked the level of passion I was seeking.

Long story short, eventually my interest in personal development and knack for connecting with others led me to coaching.

I truly felt like I was starting from scratch, and I was terrified. However I soon realised that my seemingly unrelated experiences were invaluable for my new career path and are what make me successful.


1. My math background and consulting work honed my problem-solving skills and ability to draw meaningful insights - a quality my coaching clients value.

2. My time in start-ups and experience with burnout exposed me to the world of self-development, deepening my understanding of myself and others - a perspective I now share with clients.

3. Working in the corporate world gave me insight into my clients' worlds, allowing me to offer proactive support that others might not.

Had I entered the self-development space at 21, I doubt I'd be as successful today.

The bottom line? Your experiences aren't wasted; they make you unique and incredibly valuable if you leverage using your transferrable knowledge and skills.

Even your setbacks are opportunities for growth. You're always moving forward, so embrace every part of who you are - it's what sets you apart and could be the very thing that propels you to incredible heights.

What unique things about your career and your life can you use to propel you forward?

If you want to chat through navigating a change, please reach out and I would love to support you in any way I can.