Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it.

What are you struggling with the most right now?

Life Direction and Goal Setting

Navigating life without a clear sense of direction can leave you feeling like you're going around in circles. Through our coaching journey together, we'll unravel your thoughts, uncover your deepest desires, and explore the essence of who you truly are. By the end, you'll emerge with a well-defined set of goals and an invigorating sense of purpose and direction.

Feeling lost can be overwhelming. Hanan has a natural and unique ability to connect (on the surface) unrelated ideas. Regardless of the numerous switches in topics that I may throw at her, she is able to absorb and break them down instantly, no matter how complex, and I always walk away with a clear idea of what to do next.
Evridiki G

Execution and Productivity

Knowing what you need to do but feeling stuck with the 'how to' can feel frustrating and overwhelming. I use techniques I have gained from working at some of the best tech start-ups and business consultancies to create structure and a realistic plan that will catapult you into action

Hanan has given me the practical approach that I was seeking, with applied techniques that so far have been incredible useful. Not to mention the accountability. It’s inspiring to encourage you when you struggle to do it with yourself. 
Alice Peretie
Safari Designer and Photographer

Mindset and confidence

I have a lot of experience working with confidence issues, stress management and burnout and have worked through these issues with dozens of clients. I will share with you scientifically backed psychological tools and techniques that can be used for life and very quickly create incredible internal shifts.

After working with Hanan, I now know how to respond in high-stress or anxious situations and most importantly I am so much more patient and kinder with myself.
Amber G Taylor
Events Manager

Hear what my clients have to say

Aya Bayati

Civil Engineer

Hanan is an extraordinary coach, and I cannot express enough, how transformative and enriching the experience has been. She had a unique blend of expertise, empathy, and unwavering commitment to my success.

I highly recommend her if you would like a transformative journey!

Luke C

Product Manager

After 2 sessions with her I already noticed a change and how much helpful this seemed compared to therapy.

I am really grateful to Hanan for what she has done and know if I ever find myself in need of advice in the future she would be there to help.

I cannot recommend her enough if you ever find yourself stuck in life.

Amber G Taylor

Senior Events Manager

Investing in myself was the best decision I ever made.

I can honestly say these coaching sessions have changed my life and I would recommend it to anyone!

So... how does it actually work?

Schedule a call

In our intro call, we will tighten up your goals and key issues and then discuss next steps. No worries if you don't know what they are just yet, that's what I am here to help with!

The inner work

The first part of coaching involves spending time getting to know you, your strengths, passions, subconscious patterns and blocks. By understanding the root of your issues and who you are, this will allow you to see your life in a completely different light.

Spring into action

Once we have a solid inner anchor and sense of direction, we will start to go out in the real world and conduct experiments and exercises, learning as we go, to create meaningful momentum

Some of the things you only get with me

I am an ex management consultant/tech start-up gal turned coach.

I take pride in seamlessly blending my robust business acumen and career expertise with a deep understanding of self-development, productivity, and psychology. My bespoke approach leads to lasting transformations across all areas of someones life.

My Coaching
Other coaches
In depth summary after each session
Access to me via email-6 days a week
Fully bespoke coaching approach
Practical tools that actually work
360 Life, Mindset, Career Coaching
Transformative 1-1 led visualisations
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Carl Jung

Frequently asked questions

What's the price of your coaching?

Prices are disclosed after our initial consultation. This allows us to better understand your unique needs and tailor my offerings accordingly. Following the consultation, we'll be able to provide you with a detailed breakdown of the pricing structure that aligns with the specific coaching package that would best serve you. We believe this approach ensures transparency and allows us to offer you the most value for your investment.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

In a nut shell, coaching typically is for people who are ready to take action in their lives whilst therapy gives space for more introspection and healing. The great thing about coaching is that it is more flexible and can incorporate multiple techniques. In my coaching practice, I bring aspects of 'therapy'/healing style methodologies alongside more action oriented coaching techniques to help people move past the past and accelerate forward. Please note that I am not a licensed psychologist and do not deal directly with severe mental health issues.

I really like what you offer but I'm not sure of the investment

Totally get it. Money matters. And understandably it's an unknown risk. But the truth is nothing great comes without risks. What's reassuring is, not even one of my clients has ever regretted the investment—because the value of upgrading their life, for life, is truly priceless. I check in with my clients often during the coaching period to ensure that every penny you invest translates into meaningful and lasting positive changes. Feel free to chat to me as much as you would like to ask any questions ahead of starting to help you feel for more certain.

Do I need coaching or can I work through my issues without it?

Of course you are capable of working through things yourself. Just like anything in life, if we invest enough time and energy into things we will find answers. But the truth is... trying to figure things out alone can be a much longer and painful journey. Insights developed in coaching within a 6 week period may take 10 years for a client to come to alone. We all have responsibilities, jobs and lives and as humans, it is incredibly difficult to stay on track with new goals without accountability and without someone to help us see a different perspective, challenge our blind spots and without having a sounding board to talk through thoughts, ideas and emotions.

If you have been feeling dissatisfied for a while and feel stuck, ask yourself why you are resistant to seeking help. For example: do you have a belief that someone who is deemed as 'capable and strong' must figure things out alone? Or maybe you are not used to investing in your growth but would easily drop a large sum of money on a holiday or a gift.

Remember that you are very capable of doing amazing things but once you learn to lean on others, you realise you can achieve even greater things with half the effort, half the time.